Posts Tagged ‘church’

Credit to Brian for this new question; should be a good discussion:

I want to know if you guys have had any contact with the idea of “church planting movements.”

If not, you can go to this web-link and listen to the 4 videos about it. They are called “CPM Awareness – Parts 1-4″

If you have seen these, what do you think about them? Is it what the Bible teaches about spreading the gospel? Is there anything missing in the model?

Apocryphal Books

Posted: December 22, 2008 by cthoward in Topical Question
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Merry Christmas, everyone. You may be busy and you may not want to address this question right away. But, it will be here waiting for you when you get back…

Why aren’t the apocryphal books included in our Bible? What about the fact that Jude references Enoch? Shouldn’t the book of Enoch, then, be part of the canon? Why do we include some books, but exclude other Christian/Jewish writings of the same time periods?

Questions submitted by Creek.

Does Paul teach in 1 Cor. 11:3-16 that women must wear a head covering when they are “praying in worship” or not? Please prove by sound exegesis.

Submitted by Brian.

John’s Baptism

Posted: October 7, 2008 by cthoward in Scriptural Question
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Mark 1:4 says that John was preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  In Acts 2:38, Peter tells the crowd that they must repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins.  The same language is used of John’s baptism that is used of the Pentecost baptism.

My question is:
Why were the Ephesian believers of Acts 19 re-baptized after receiving John’s baptism?  If John preached a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, which is the same as the baptism preached on Pentecost, why did they need to be baptized again?